Analytical Laboratories
Our Pendleton laboratory, URC-Table Rock, has relocated to a new facility at 422 SW 6th Street. This new location allows us to provide additional services that our previous location could not. Please click Here for more directions.
Drinking Water | Food Pathogens | Environmental Testing |
Umpqua Research Company now operates three NELAP certified commercial analytical laboratories. Our original facility, URC-Myrtle Creek, is located at 626 NE Division Street in Myrtle Creek, Oregon. This laboratory is also accredited to the ISO 17025:2005 standard. Our second facility, URC-Bend, opened in 2006, is located in Bend, OR at 738 SE Glenwood Drive. Recently URC purchased Table Rock Analytical from Beth Read in Pendleton, OR. Beth now works for URC as the manager of our lab in Pendleton. Between our three locations, we offer a comprehensive list of microbiological and chemical analyses. Our services are routinely used to facilitate compliance with drinking water, wastewater, food safety, and storm water regulations. We also provide analytical services for home owners concerned with their drinking or irrigation water quality. With a variety of instruments at our disposal, we can help you with most analytical challenges including unusual or proprietary testing and custom method development. Contact one of our labs today for consultation, and click here for a copy of our current price book.